Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mid-May excitement...

Caleb will be going to preschool this fall at Arden Pres. After visiting the classrooms, he gives Mommy a big hug! Adam is apparently studying the ground. I bought a RAV4 to get a car with lower miles - Caleb is riding with me to Chili's where we enjoyed lunch. He was fascinated with the "black car" but wanted to know where "Grandma's car" was. He enjoys looking out the sunroof.
Got to visit the grandchickens and harvest eggs. I was practicing for when Emily and Eric went to Beaufort! This hen did not want to leave the nest...Here's the whole crew - after Emily chased them into the run. The Freemans are getting some more chicks while they're in Beaufort.
Escorting Mom and Dad to the doctor once more! Dad got his boot off and is now using a "sandal" when he's out. Won't be long until he's free to walk unaided again!

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