Sunday, December 26, 2010

December begins!

Boy, a lot changes in a month! This is December 6th. Adam has learned to clap and pull up to his music table... of course he wouldn't stand up by himself while I had the camera...
Caleb gets a piggyback ride from Papa!
Adam loves pushing the buttons and turning the "page" so the table lights up and plays music!
Caleb and Gracie being best buds...
We have our first measurable snow for the season - and Caleb and I put up the snow village.
The pieces are out on the table - I put the houses up - Caleb was to place the trees, people, etc.
He did a fine job - and then added his "Cars" cars and trucks to the city - placing them on the road - along with some wild animals from his zoo collection!
Adam and his "hands up" position! I think he's familiar with the Blue Man Group too!

He's growing so quickly!

1 comment:

Nana said...

Good morning: Thanks for sharing the blog with us, the pictures say it all, we love being with the families. Little Adam sure is growing fast too, one year February 23,2011, little Caleb already three. Love being around them, they make us laugh...Belated Merry Christmas, now ready for a Happy New Year. Snow is beautiful... Love, Nana-Jim