Saturday, August 7, 2010

Caleb's Musical Party!

Warning! About 30 photos follow, and the drum circle video concludes the summary of Caleb's 3rd birthday party! --- Caleb's drum cake was a chocolate and vanilla marble, with vanilla sparkly cupcakes for those not wanting chocolate!
Joan is entertaining Adam (or is it vice-versa?) while the toddlers are making shakers!
Cal and Rochelle Marshall supervise Caroline's shaker making. Rochelle is holding Bruton. Caleb and Eric study stickers to put on the shaker tubes.
A close up of Cal and Caroline.
Ben Zetterholm joins the craft makers!
Leah Zetterholm sits and assists Benjamin. Caroline knows what she wants!
Andrew and Naomi Zetterholm are watching carefully!
Eric and Caleb are "flying" in the tent when it's time for tacos!
Group shot!
Happy Birthday to Caleb! He's singing along as he has learned the birthday song now!
Caroline playing with her recorder. The toddlers got recorders and travel bottles as party favors.
Just one of Caleb's gifts - a book! He loves to "read"!
Close up of Rochelle and Bruton. Stephanye and Bennett are in the background.
After gifts, we head outside for the "Drum Circle." Eric, Bennett, and David Dittbrender keep up the beat. Caleb gets it all started!
Jeff is now holding Adam while the drummers beat on.
I've got Caroline with her shaker, Valerie, Andrew, Naomi, and Dad watch the drummers.
Benjamin is enjoying the recorder immensely!
Adam is taking it all in!Now he gets a chance to hold a drum stick...
What a fun day!
Benjamin has decided to play with the rocks for a while! What a cutie!
Caroline is still not sure about all the noise!
Someone thinks about getting all the kids together for a picture... and here they are laughing at something!
Now we add their siblings into the mix - with limited success! It was fun though...
One last bang for the birthday boy!
Pure JOY!
And last - the promised video! You've got to hear it to believe it! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Nana said...

Sure was a well thought out party for three year old young-uns. love you and I am glad I could be with his first one on Saturday at CHucky Cheese. Ha. Love all. NANA