Friday, February 12, 2010

Football and freezing stuff!

Had great fun watching the Super Bowl Feb. 7th at Emily and Eric's. Emily created brownie footballs for dessert! Yum! Had a hot dog cookout and all the trimmings.
Thursday Mom and Dad came to visit while we had Caleb! Here Nana plays cars with Caleb - showing him how to build roads...
Grandad, Nana and Great-grandson Caleb! Will Adam be in the picture next time???
Friday I delivered Caleb back to Emily about 1 PM. Then, the snow started... again. This is the 3rd weekend in a row! So I met Emily in Fletcher (a halfway point) at 3:30 and picked up Caleb again - just in case Emily decides to go into labor tonight! Here's a cute picture of Emily and baby Adam... just waiting to be born! Tomorrow is his due date!
Another farewell between Emily and Caleb. Glad he likes playing at our house! He's been visiting quite a bit recently with all the bad weather. I thought Adam would have been here by now...
After Jeff finished work, we went outside to enjoy the 2" of new snow and 30 degrees... sometimes it's too cold to enjoy it! Caleb wanted to play with his dump truck.
Getting a hug (and also in the picture)
Found a cone on our walk - guess it blew from the neighbor's yard. Caleb used it for a shovel.
Making a snow ball...
We walked down to the corner street light - this reminded me of a scene from "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"

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