Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December SNOW!

The weekend of December 18-19-20 was one to remember! I was in charge of coordinating a wedding reception at our church and snow was in the forecast. I packed my suitcase and called Mom and Dad to see if I could stay with them. The flurries forecast a week earlier became as much as 12 inches in parts of Asheville! We had 1/2" early Friday morning, so I left the mountain and visited the lower elevations.

After setting up for the reception at Trinity, I came back to Mom and Dad's and started taking pictures! Then I helped Dad shovel the driveway so I would be able to get out on Saturday morning. We had 7" before I started shoveling, and another inch fell while we finished the driveway the first time. Dad ended up clearing it again Saturday afternoon when the snow had finished falling.

Saturday pictures before I left for the reception...

I finally got back home Sunday afternoon after hearing some of our roads had been plowed. The temperatures were supposed to have risen to the mid-30's but that never happened. The Highway Dept. plowed Rose Hill Sunday afternoon most of the way up the mountain, but going down Merrills Cove was a different story. Fortunately, I had no trouble in my Subaru. This was a beautiful snow and I was thankful to be out in it, even shoveling!

1 comment:

Nana said...

We enjoyed you, but not the snow, kept us from doing things. Ha.
Love you and sure had a great Christmas and New Years. God Bless all of your family.

Mom and Dad