Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 26th... AM

Caleb and I had about 30 minutes together while Emily was visiting the doctor. We played in the Fletcher Valley Natural Foods parking lot and surrounding areas. As long as a boy has rocks and trucks, he's good to go - as the following pictures show.

The store has several large beds of rocks in front of it - so Caleb was quite content to sit there and play with his 2 trucks and watch the trucks and motorcycles go by in traffic.

He asked me to sit in the rocks but I found a crate to sit on while he played. Later, he decided we should both sit on it (that didn't happen! Ha!)

A crab apple kept his attention for a bit as he kicked it around and threw it! Alas, I kicked it under the boardwalk and that was the end of that. (Small green object at left of photo.)

Pushing a grocery cart was Caleb's next challenge. I sure can see how tall he's growing!

Laying down on the boardwalk - misunderstanding what I had asked him to do - but it made a cute picture anyway!

Last, I had Caleb pose for pictures while peeking through the bars of the boardwalk.

He's quite good at avoiding the camera, but occasionally says "cheese" when I ask him to.

1 comment:

Emily Freeman said...

Great shots! If he ever gets fussy at home, I know where to take him! Ha ha! :)