Larry, Joan, Mom and Dad arrive!
Larry, Wayne, Dad and Mom watch Caleb as he plays with his trucks. One of these was Bennett's truck from his childhood!
Caleb's friend Benjamin comes to play too. He has found a Handy Manny coloring book to view while seated on the dump truck!
Lunch time! Hot dogs and the trimmings were served! Nancy, Pete, and Jeff enjoy the canopy.
Time for presents! We learned "save the trucks for last" because Caleb was solely focused on playing with the truck with all the bells and whistles! He got Handy Manny linens and a comforter for his "big boy" room. And lots of trucks, tools, books, and love from all!
Nathaniel helping to open Caleb's trucks!
Brenda and Angela staying cool!
Finally, cake and candles. Caleb blew out both candles easily - but kept his trucks in his hands!
Had a vanilla cake for the kids, and a chocolate cake for Emily! Ha!
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